Personal Trainers: Status symbol, or a great investment for your health?
May 15, 2024
It’s very easy to imagine that only hollywood movie stars can afford to hire one to prepare for a career-defining role—-but personal trainers are a perfectly valid option in all walks of life and at every stage in their fitness journey.
At Diced Kitchen, we’ve seen that for us non-movie stars, a personal trainer makes the most sense when you are starting your fitness journey. At this stage, you have a lot of willpower and desire to do better, but lack the knowledge and experience to make the most of it. In addition, some people find it intimidating to walk into a gym full of people in perfect bodies, with perfect knowledge of every machine and exercise form.
Personal Trainers Are Free
A personal trainer can be anyone with the knowledge and skills you need in the gym, who is willing to work with you. This can be a friend who is always in great shape, the fitness buff co-worker who loves to share, or that over-achieving sibling you bribed with a year of netflix subscription. Finally, you can always walk into any national fitness chain, and bet your bottom dollar they have a trainer for you to hire.
Find Your Training Wheels
A great personal trainer is a guide. They will not only help you cross that bridge, they will help you craft the athletic side of your identity. Whether it’s lifting weights properly or eating right, you are sure to get a solid foundation to build your athletic competence and confidence, so you become one of those gym people in time.
Once you graduate your trainer’s program, you may spend the next few months or years building on that experience and making it your own. This involves a bit of experimentation and trusting your body, but eventually you’ll settle into a routine that is safe, repeatable and effective.
Upgrade Your Game
Eventually, you may prepare for an event or want to reach a professional level, and that’s where personal trainers come in. At this level, you can think of them as specialists that help you improve an aspect of your performance. If you are a mixed martial artist, you may have a grappling trainer and a kick-boxing trainer.
Whether you bribed a friend or hired one, a personal trainer is a worthwhile investment into your fitness journey. Starting or upgrading your game isn’t easy, so it’s important to give your body the best chance at success.