Get back your motivation
March 22, 2024
If you're like most people, the new year ignites a new fire in your heart. This is the kind of fire that helps you burn through the exhaustions and obligations of yesteryear, make room for a new you in your calendar, and get your body fighting fit.
The first few weeks tend to go smoothly, but eventually life happens. So you skip a day, you got a half hour less, until eventually you stop altogether.
At Diced Kitchen - Healthy Without the Hassle, we've seen many people break this cycle. All it takes is a great motivation, a solid plan, and valuing steady progress over time.
Clear Your Sights
The first thing to ask yourself is, "why did i stop? really?" Your mind is very good at taking perfectly understandable things like a lack of time, or work demands, then twisting them into plausible rationalizations.
So yes, it may be true that you're too tired after work, but if a doctor told you your life literally depends on it, you'd happily sacrifice that second hour after work from leisure to hit the gym.
Find Your Baseline
Once you've seen through the rationalizations, you can focus on getting back into the game. Most people make the huge mistake of picking up where they left off, only to struggle and give up.
The key is to start where you are, then work your way up. Grab the lowest weight that feels right, then do as many sets and repetitions that feel right. Working your body thoroughly and completely is more important here to establish your baseline.
Row Gently To Victory
With your new baseline, you now have a realistic bar to measure yourself against. Every week aim to go a little harder, a little further than you did last week, without breaking your form or not completing your sets/reps.
Over time, you will eventually match and then exceed the point before you stopped. Making your body strong is a deeply rewarding, lifetime habit